Programme information

  1. The Bachelor's programme "Sports Training" prepares coaches capable of conducting educational and training sessions in various sports on the scientific and pedagogical and scientific methodological basis, with professional abilities based on the chosen sport, able to train and develop programs for various age groups and categories. And also, to provide graduates with the opportunity to work in all world sports organizations and institutions in the chosen sport, with scientific and methodological knowledge, coaching skills and abilities, and teaching abilities.
  2. The field of Physical Education and Sport Bachelor graduate’s professional activity is: institutions of physical education and sport, including children's and youth sport, sport of higher achievements, professional-applied sport. Graduates of the department "Coaching Education" can work as a teacher-coach in children's sports schools; specialized sports centres of Olympic reserve; general education schools; state and public sports organizations (committees, centres, etc.); federations of sports and in sports clubs, teams, etc.
  3. All conditions for high-quality education and development of sportsmanship are in place for the implementation of the programme. Training sessions take place in 7 classrooms and one complex stadium; in addition, there are halls for sambo, judo, weightlifting, tennis, wrestling, fitness, Toguz-korgool and chess. Our units are fully equipped with special teaching equipment (computers, projectors, screen readers, scanners, printers, netbooks and notebooks) as well as sports equipment and implements for conducting sports and teaching sessions. An Internet infrastructure provides access to e-books, periodicals, databases, electronic resources, and provides uninterrupted Internet service to the reading rooms and the central library.
  4. There are currently 5 full-time undergraduate teachers, including 1 professor, 1 associate professor, 1 doctoral student and 2 lecturers. The department has 1 professor and 1 associate professor from Turkey. All teachers carry out joint scientific research with foreign researchers, i.e. participate in international projects. Experienced professors, associate professors and honored trainers working in higher education institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic are also working part-time when needed.
  5. Successful students have the opportunity to study for free at universities in many countries, particularly in Turkey under the Erasmus, Mevlana, Farabi and Orhun student exchange programs as well as to undertake internships supported by our university.
  6. The undergraduate programme "Coaching education" is constantly updated in line with scientific developments and innovations.


Program competencies

  1. Possesses scientific knowledge, cultural values in the field of physical education and sports, and tolerance
  2. The student speaks Kyrgyz, Turkish, in addition to one of the foreign languages and can use them in the sphere of physical education and sports and in coaching activities
  3. Graduate is able to carry out administrative, legal and professional activities in the field of physical education and sports in private or public sports institutions
  4. Is able to apply acquired knowledge and information technology to solve problems in the field of sport
  5. Graduate is able to organize activities to promote a healthy lifestyle through physical education and sports and prepare evaluation reports on them
  6. Graduate is able to carry out sports education, based on the use of methods of development of personal qualities and the basics of a healthy lifestyle
  7. Graduate is able to use obtained knowledge and experience in the development of national and spiritual feelings of the individual, in the prevention of negative phenomena in society to improve the quality of life
  8. Can use modern pedagogical technologies in the development of physical, mental and social characteristics of the individual, with taking into account age and preparedness
  9. Graduate is able to apply methods of teaching in the process of sports education, taking into account personal interests and motivation of students
  10. The student is able to select principles of training in the development of physical, social and mental abilities, and can identify effective factors in the implementation of rehabilitation and health-improving programmes
  11. Graduate is able to actively cooperate with public and private sports organizations
  12. Graduate can use communication skills and methods of managing sports events
  13. Can participate in projects using basic research methods in physical education and sport