
One semester of Computer Engineering Graduate Student at Iwate University in Japan ...

Graduate students Gulida KİMSANOVA and Nakılay TAIROVA successfully completed their semester studies at the University of Iwate University / Japan. This week they have made presentations about Iwata post graduate education and training system and method in Japan. This exchange program focused on strengthening the scientific and cultural  ties between the two universities and was started through the efforts of Prof. Ulan BRİMKULOV, Faculty of Engineering Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University  and Prof. Kyu YOSHIMORI .

As our students said, they have a positive impact on both personal and professional fields. We hope that this exchange program of academic relations between Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University and Iwate University will further be strengthened. Next year we look forward to provide new opportunities for our students.