Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department. Mirbek Turduev gave a comprehensive seminar on scientific publication preparation techniques at our faculty. In the seminar, he talked about the stages of scientific publication preparation and the rules and principles that are common in these publications. He summarized the rules of writing articles with very clear examples, especially for the benefit of students, young faculty members and the researcher. He gave detailed information on how to cite the source used in accordance with the ethical rules, from the literature review while starting the activities.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirbek Turduev gave brief explanations about the title, author(s) and abstracts of the scientific research to be written, and then talked in detail about the IMRAD format, which is a roadmap for the editor and readers to follow the article flow. Later, he gave examples of general rules that should be used while making a letter to the journal editor, replying to the referees and article revision in particular.