
New Laboratories are Now in Use in the Industrial Engineering Department!

We are excited to announce the addition of two new laboratories to our department, aiming to provide our students with more comprehensive educational experience.

1. Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation Laboratory

This modern laboratory will enable our students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice in the fields of modeling, optimization, and simulation, which are fundamental topics in industrial engineering. This laboratory, which will be actively used in both our courses and extracurricular projects, will allow our students to:

In this way, our students will better acquire the skills necessary to solve the problems they will encounter in their professional lives after graduation.

2. Work Study and Ergonomics Laboratory

This laboratory, specifically designed for our students who want to specialize in the field of work study and ergonomics, which is vital for increasing the efficiency of businesses and protecting the health of employees, will be used only in our courses. In our laboratory;

Thanks to this laboratory, our students will have the competence to develop projects that will add value to businesses and increase employee satisfaction.

With our new laboratories, we aim to train more qualified and future-ready engineers for our students. We invite all our students who have chosen our department to achieve success with their studies in these modern laboratories.