“(Bear in mind that) neither their flesh nor their blood reaches God, but only piety and consciousness of God reach Him from you... (Al-Hajj 22/37)
“If you avoid the major sins which you have been forbidden, We will blot out from you your minor evil deeds and make you enter by a noble entrance (to an abode of glory).” (An-Nisa 4/31)
“Restore their property to the orphans (in your custody, when they come of age), and do not exchange the corrupt for the good (the unlawful for the lawful), nor consume their property by mixing it up with your own. For doing that would be a great” (An-Nisa 4/2)
“Indeed, it is We, We Who send down the Reminder in parts, and it is indeed We Who are its Guardian.” (Al-Hijr 15/9)