Fundamentals of Faith C) Faith in Books: Divine Books:

1- Torah:

The Torah was sent to the Israelites through Moses. However, during the exile and captivity periods in history, they could not preserve the shape of the Torah that came from Allah.

2- Psalms:

Zebur, Hz. It is the name of the divine book revealed to David. The Psalms are the smallest of the divine books and did not introduce new religious provisions, but confirmed the provisions in the Torah.

3- The Bible:

It was revealed to the Children of Israel through Jesus. To the Bible, Believing in Jesus as it was revealed is one of the requirements of faith. But today, the original text of the Bible is not available like other corrupted books. It has a shape that has been corrupted and exposed to human intervention. The Bible is also called the Ahd-i Cedid (New Testament).

4- The Holy Quran

The Qur'an, the last of the divine books sent by Allah, is Hz. It was revealed to Muhammad.

The definition of the Qur'an is as follows: “It is the divine word that was revealed to Muhammad, written in the mushafs, revealed to us through tawatur from our Prophet, worshiped by reading, and the like of which humanity could not produce.”

(Catechism-I, Presidency of Religious Affairs)