Fundamentals of Faith E) Belief in the Hereafter: Phases of the Hereafter

The life of the hereafter begins with the death of man. In this case, the hereafter includes such periods as life in the grave (barzakh), doomsday, resurrection, resurrection and doomsday, distribution of books, calculation, mizan, sirat, intercession, heaven and hell.

Life in the Grave (Barzakh):

The life that begins with death and continues until resurrection is called life in the grave. Life in the grave is also called "barzakh".


It means the disruption of the order of the universe, the destruction of everything by being turned upside down, the things that disappeared and died being recreated and resurrected and heading towards the apocalypse.


Resurrection is one of the important phases of the hereafter. According to the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah, resurrection will occur both in body and spirit.

Against those who deny the resurrection after death, the Qur'an insistently emphasizes that resurrection is rationally possible and will definitely occur, and provides many evidence on this subject.

(Catechism-I, Presidency of Religious Affairs)