Be like the sun in mercy. Be like a stream in generosity. Be in humility like the earth. Be like the night in covering sins. (Mevlana Jelaleddin)
Don't worry, everyone dies. Some are buried in the ground, some are in the hearts... (Mevlana Celaleddin) Explanation: All people will surely die one day. However, those who live without benefiting others are not remembered much after they die. However, people who are beneficial to others and leave beautiful traces in their hearts continue to live in the hearts of their loved ones even if they die.
If you have broken someone's heart, do not expect rewards from your prayer. (If you have broken someone's heart), you will not have made wudu by washing your hands and face. Non-Muslims already do this in their daily lives, but they are not considered to have made wudu. (Yunus Emre)
Do not directly tell people about their mistakes by insulting them. Instead, talk about the harms of misbehavior. So make them give up on their mistakes. (Hazrat Ali (r.a.))