Ramadan and Eid Activities in Kyrgyz (Prof. Dr. Kemal POLAT)

The Kyrgyz, the majority of whom live in Kyrgyzstan today, are one of the oldest Turkish societies, according to historical data. Dominated by a traditional social structure, they are known to be a community which has a nomadic lifestyle, and exhibits a onservative character. They are also closely tied to their customs and beliefs. Because of these features, many customs and traditions inherited from their ancestors are still very much alive.

In this article, current Kyrgyz customs and beliefs related to their eves, Ramadan days, blessed nights, and Ramadan Festival will be dealt with. While dwelling on the subject, we will try fully to involve in the local Kyrgyz religious beliefs and customs, make comparisons with the applications in Anatolia, and interpret Ramadan and festival events as phenomenological, rather than giving religious information regarding these matters.

CLICK FOR THE REST OF THE ARTICLE:http://isamveri.org/pdfdrg/D04305/2015_1/2015_1_POLATK.pdf