The Human Model Which the Qur’an Aims to Bring Up in Terms of Objectives of Education (Prof. Dr. Recai DOGAN)

ABSTRACT We have in this article, tried to study the ‘human model’ which the Qur’an aims to bring up in terms of objectives of education. These kinds of studies about Qur’an objectives are crucial for planning and applying aal of the processes of Islamic education. In order to teach students the doctrine/teaching of the Qur’an in the best way, it should be analyzed the goals which the Qur’an aims to achieve in bringing up by way of the human model and the Qur’an it proposes. Determining objectives of educational process has a great significance and all of the processes of education are gradually affected by these goals. All of the activities in the educational process would be disorganized and aimless unless the objectives of it are not determined carefully. Only after determining the objectives, can we plan teaching and learning atmosphere and choose the correct strategy, methods and techniques and teaching materials to be used for teaching and learning. We can on the other part, get positive results from evaluation and measurement.