
The Program Dedicated to the Night of Kadr (Night of Power)

The program dedicated to the "Night of Power" was organized at KTMU Satuk Buğra Khan Mosque on 17.04.2023 with the contributions of Faculty of Theology Lecturer Mirgül Bekmurzaeva, Research Assistant Cazgül Colaliyeva, Research Assistant Altınay Kurmanbekova and PhD student Dilnoza Rahmatillaeva. The program was organized the framework of the "Blessed Ramadan" Program for Women. In the program, information was given about the place and importance of the Night of Power in Islam. Afterwards, songs were sung and various interactive activities were organized by the students of the Faculty of Theology. At the end of the program, encouraging gifts were presented to the women who actively participated in the "Blessed Ramadan" Program throughout the entire period. The program was followed with great interest.