
Symposium “The Heritage of Husamuddin al-Sygnaki in The Horizon of Islamic Civilization” (Asst. Prof. Dr. Aiitmamat Kariev)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Aiitmamat KARİEV participated with his paper titled “The Islamic Jurisprudence System in The Islamic Law: The Comparision Analyze Between the 'al-Hidaya' and 'an-Nihaya' in the Case of the Adab al-Qadi”. In the symposium, it was discussed that Husamuddin es-Signaki's influence especially on Central Asian Islamic civilization was discussed. found.

Then, he was invited and participated as an expert in the 2nd symposium titled "International Workshop: Manuscript Collections in Kazakhstan Preservation and Research", which was organized with the partnership of the aforementioned institutions. In this workshop, the revealing of the manuscripts in Kazakhstan, their examination and futher researches to be carried out and delivery of such works to readers, etc. were discussed. This workshop showed the importance of primary sources.