
“Academic Theology Conversations Series for Madrasahs-1”

The first program of the "Academic Theology Conversations Series for Madrasahs" organized by our Faculty within the scope of the social responsibility activities of our university was held at Karabalta Hz. Osman Islamic Research Institute. In his speach Prof. Dr. Kelam POLAT said that the aim of our university in organizing these events is to increase recognition, share its knowledge and experience with stakeholder organizations in the society and integrate with them. Then, he briefly focused on the basic features that distinguish Islam from other religions and emphasized that understanding Islam correctly is as important as choosing it. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nail KARAGÖZ made a short presentation titled Maturidi Rationality. In his presentation, KARAGÖZ stated that the Transoxiana geography has long adopted the Hanafi-Māturīdi interpretation of Islam, that in this interpretation, reason and narration are given balanced importance, and one is not sacrificed for the other. Approximately 140 students and educators attended the conversation, for which the Doctorate student of our faculty Sultanbek TAŞMATOV served as translator. The interview ended with a group photo and wishes for future cooperation.