Microorganisms and the Biosphere (Microbios-2023)

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the International Symposium “Microorganisms and the Biosphere (Microbios-2023)”, which will be held on June 15-16, 2023, at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University.

When the impact of global warming and climate change, soil and water pollution in the biosphere intensifies every day, this Conference invites researchers, communities of scientists and practitioners around the world to discuss the role of microorganisms in maintaining the ecological balance in nature in cleansing environmental pollution, as well as issues of plant and animal microbiomes and their molecular genetic evolution.

And also, visit the country of Kyrgyzstan with snow-high mountains, mountain lakes and pristine, beautiful landscapes, and get acquainted with the unique culture and tradition of the generous Kyrgyz people. The time in June makes it possible to visit amazing places and come into contact with the unique beauty of the nature of this country.

Microbios 2013 was launched at our university ten years ago, bringing together 200 participants from over 30 countries. The following conferences was continued in the neighbouring countries of Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan.

In 2023 again, Kyrgyzstan, on behalf of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, will organize this conference to participate in a face-to-face format when the barriers of COVID-19 are behind us and invites all interested people who are not indifferent to the fate of our biosphere and share with the latest scientific results on the role of microbiological processes in the preservation of the planet.

We hope you will be a part of this exciting event to promote sharing of ideas, learn the best practices, innovative strategies and an unremitting commitment to deliver Microbiology. 

Your attendance should be a rewarding experience, and we look forward to welcoming you to Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan

Prof Dr Tinatin Doolotkeldieva

Symposium Chair

  • Symposium
  • 2023-06-15 — 2023-06-16
  • 09:00
  • KTMÜ Kasym Tynystanov Konferans Salonu
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