
FAO WORKSHOP “Regional Workshop on Organic Agriculture Regulatory Framework and Marketing for ECA Region

The Regional Workshop on Organic Agriculture Regulatory Framework and Marketing for the ECA (Europe and Central Asia) region was a seminar organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The workshop aimed to bring together policymakers, experts, and stakeholders from the ECA region to discuss issues related to the development and implementation of organic agriculture regulations and marketing strategies.

The workshop focused on several key topics, including the benefits of organic agriculture, the challenges and opportunities associated with developing organic agriculture regulations, and effective marketing strategies for organic products. The participants discussed the importance of organic agriculture in promoting sustainable agriculture, reducing the negative impact of agricultural practices on the environment, and improving the health and well-being of consumers.

At the seminar, Prof. T. Doolotkeldieva, Head of the Plant Protection Department, gave a presentation on "Scientific innovative technologies for the development of the organic farming in Kyrgyzstan", discussing the importance of using scientific and innovative technologies in Kyrgyzstan for the development of organic agriculture and addressing environmental problems, soil degradation, and reduced crop yields.