

On April 19, 2022, our faculty organized an event entitled "Environmental problems of the mountain ecosystem of Kyrgyzstan and ways to solve them" in accordance with the decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov "2022 - is the year of protection of mountain ecosystems and climate stability".

University Rector, Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, Co-Rector, Prof. Dr. Asylbek Kulmyrzaev and Director of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ibraev Emil Bekboevich, Director Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve Kumar Mambetaliev, as well as teachers and students of the university were attended this event.

The rector of our university Prof. Dr.  Alpaslan Ceylan, in his speech noted that Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country and that in Turkish culture, mountains are the sacred place of shelter of ancestors. Today, the issue of mountain protection has become important both for tourism and biologically. He said that the fact that as a result of global warming, it is predicted that many countries will be under water due to the melting of glaciers in the next century, this value has increased even more.

Co-Rector of our University, Prof. Dr. Asylbek Kulmyrzaev, pointed out that Kyrgyzstan has a very significant potential for nature tourism, and said that protection of natural life and ecosystems of Kyrgyzstan is important for all living things and for the economy of Kyrgyzstan.

Dean of our faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Nurzat Totubaeva informed about the event.

Emil Ibraev made a presentation on "Specially protected natural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic"; Kumar Mambetaliev made a report on the topic "Ecological condition of the Issyk-Kul biosphere region". Kumar Mambetaliev gave information on the implementation of cooperation projects with our university about ecology and environmental problems.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Nurzat Totubaeva, dean of our faculty, gave information about the joint projects "Analysis of the degree of transformation of Issyk-Kul's coastal ecosystem into anthroposphere", "Assessment of the natural potential of natural landscapes and ecological risk" and "Assessment of ecological risk of conversion of coastal ecosystems into horticultural plantations" within the framework of cooperation agreements.

As a result of the meeting, a scientific and technical cooperation agreement was signed between our University and the Department of Conservation of Biodiversity and Specially Protected Natural Areas under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic and the directorate of the Issyk-Kul biosphere region.

The agreement allows for joint implementation of projects aimed at solving the main scientific and practical problems of protecting unique ecosystems in specially protected natural areas, creating opportunities for students to practice, and organizing seminars and professional development courses for teaching staff.