
“Development of the ‘Radio Frequency Control System’ module for the automated information system of the State Service for Regulation and Supervision in the Communications Industry” seminar was given.

On January 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., a seminar was held in the “Modeling, Optimization and Simulation Laboratory of the department of Industrial Engineering. The title of the seminar was “Development of the ‘Radio Frequency Control System’ module for the automated information system of the State Service for Regulation and Supervision in the Communications Industry”. The speaker was the senior lecturer of the Industrial Engineering department Aibek Adanbaev. At the seminar, the speaker discussed the problem of automation in the communications sector and his vision for the step-by-step implementation of a solution plan. In particular, software developed by A.M. Adanbaev (the speaker) and Shantaev N.O. was demonstrated. The software, according to the authors’ vision, is one of the modules of the proposed plan for the automated information system to be implemented by the State Service for Regulation and Supervision in the communications industry.