Languages of instruction: Kyrgyz and Turkish

Description of the Department: Education covers four years. During their studies, students cover general courses, additional courses, cultural courses, and general education courses. Students are accepted into the program based on results from a special exam. Around 20 students are accepted each year. Over the course of four years of studies, students must gather no fewer than 240 ECTS credits and pass all courses and exams. Students must also complete internships at approved locations and complete a final report. Approved locations include advertising agencies, painting schools, media organizations, creative workships, and graphics companies. This educational program was created based on similar programs for the arts in public and private institutions, and combines elements from traditional and modern educational sources, with a strong emphasis on practical experience. 

Requirements for students: In the course of four years, each student must earn no fewer than 240 ECTS credits and pass all classes and exams. 

Employment opportunities: Students that use their four years at KTMU to become professionals at their work have the possibility of working at various artistic institutions. After finishing their studies here, they can find a job or continue their studies. Many graduates find work in fields such as teaching, 3D design, computer design, cover design, illustration, and private tutoring. Additionally, students can participate at events at the national and international level, create artistic works, organize exhibitions, or take part in group exhibitions. Students can also continue their education at the Master's or Doctorate level.