
A student conference was organized at the Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn.

A conference on “The Results of Archaeological and Ethnographic Expeditions in 2022-2023 was held at the Kyrgyz National University named after Balasagyn on November 28, 2023. Students of the Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn, Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University, American University in Central Asia, and Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev participated at the conference. The history department of the Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University represented by students who took part in the event under the leadership of Doctor of History, Professor Kubatbek Tabaldiev. Students of the history department of the Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University A. Ergeshova, G. Tolubai kyzy, A. Baktybek uulu, A. Sultanbekov, A. Tajidinova, U. Celik, M. Abasbekova, N. Akmatova, N. Tenty kyzy, E. Azamat kyzy, S. Myktybekova, M. Kutmanaly kyzy made interesting reports. Their presentations shed a new light on research of the archaeological expedition, which was very useful for participants. At the end of the conference, a certificate and gifts were presented to students.