
'Fairy Tale Therapy and Its Application' - In-Departmental Professional and Personal Development Seminars continue

On February 24, 2022, a seminar was held on the topic "Fairytale therapy and its application" for students of the Psychological Counseling аnd Guidance Program. The lecturer who conducted the seminar St. Rev. Dr. Kadiyan Boobekova, in addition to explaining the concept of "Fairytale therapy", also explained the psychodiagnostic, psychocorrective, therapeutic, meditative functions of a fairy tale. She explained that this therapy has such features as the development of imagination, mirroring, gaining strength and self-motivation. Explaining what the heroes of fairy tales can mean, she talked about the benefits of fairy tale therapy for people of all ages. The therapy then continued with practice, and finally the workshop concluded with student feedback, exchange and demonstration of their work.