
The mission of the English Language and Literature Program is to educate the young generation able to effectively use the acquired knowledge in teaching practice; able to conduct a scientific research in the field of language and literature; to be the part of modern society in the Turkic countries and the world institutions as well; able to create the right worldview, the competence in culture and the skills in intercultural communication; to introduce the students with the new methods and approaches applied in Western literature and culture.


​​ The English Language and Literature Program aims to

  • be the leading program to provide professional education in the field of teaching the language and literature;
  • educate the students in the field of language and literature topics in pursuance of the World and Western Literature;
  • serve as a bridge between Kyrgyzstan and Western and Eastern academic communities;
  • provide the generation with the principal knowledge in studies of the language, literature, art and culture;
  • ensure the effective interaction with other educational institutions both in the country and abroad as well;
  • provide an area of high employment for the graduates in their future career.


Founded in 2007 the English Language and Literature Program is aimed to provide quality education in the field of Philology in accordance with the international standards. The program is designed to educate the qualified specialists who are able to effectively use the acquired knowledge in the field of language and literature topics in accordance with the traditional and modern views; able to contribute to the development of science, culture and politics as well.

Vacancy Opportunities

The department graduates are working in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, in schools, in language centers and courses, in translation agencies both within our republic and other countries. On earning the bachelor's degree our graduates can continue the education in Master Degree Program in Kyrgyzstan or abroad. The educational process at the university is carried out according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS); therefore, our students may participate in student exchange programs and study at foreign universities. Graduates of the program ​​will find vocational opportunities in public and private schools, in language centers; in funds and projects; in translation agencies; in various publishing houses.