Denominations of faith b): Ash’ariyya

It is the Ahl al-Sunnah sect that adopts the views of Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari about Akaid.

Imam Ash’ari, the founder of the sect, also gave importance to reason in matters of faith, and used rational proofs as well as verses and hadiths.

Ash’arism was born as a thesis against Mu’tazila. Ash'ari scholars have given much space to ta’wil over time. By making innovations and changes in theology from time to time, they have given this science competitive power with philosophy. Although the Ash’ariyya sect accepts the basic principles of Ahl as-sunna, the sect has its own views on some issues.

Almost all Malikis, three-quarters of Shafi'is and a small part of Hanafi and Hanbalis have adopted the Ash’ariyya school. Ash’arism spread mostly in Andalusia, Hejaz, North Africa, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Indonesia.

(İlmihal-I, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı);

(Catechism-I, Presidency of Religious Affairs)