Denominations of faith c) Maturidiyya

Upon Akaid, Ebu Mansur Muhammed b. Muhammed b. It is the Ahl as-sunna sect formed by those who adopt the views of Mahmud al-Maturidi.

Maturidism accepted reason as a necessary basis for the understanding of religion, together with the verses and hadiths related to the issues of creed and creed, and gradually developed the method of kalam starting from Imam Maturidi.

Some of the main views of Māturidism are as follows:

1. Even if a person does not receive a religious message, he can find Allah with his mind.

2. Good and bad, beautiful and ugly can be known by the mind.

3. The servant has his own partial will. The servant makes his choice with his will, and Allah creates the action according to the choice of the servant.

The majority of Hanafis, who make up at least half of the world's Sunni Muslims today, belong to the Maturidi sect. Mâturîdiyye spread in Turkey, the Balkans, Central Asia, China, India, Pakistan and Eritrea.

Turks generally adhere to the Hanafi sect in fiqh and the Maturidi sect in belief.

(Catechism-I, Presidency of Religious Affairs)