Fundamentals of Faith A) Belief in Allah: Attributes of Allah:

1. Life: Almighty Allah is alive, alive. It is He who gives life to all things, dry and dead earth. It has an eternal and eternal life.

2. Knowledge: Allah is all-knowing. He knows the past, the past, the hidden, the obvious.

3. Semi: Allah is Hearing. Allah hears and hears what is said in secret, overt, in a whisper, slowly or loudly.

4. Basar: Almighty Allah sees everything. Nothing is hidden from Allah.

5. Will: God has will. Allah is the being that determines the positions, states and properties of beings. What Allah wishes will happen, what He does not wish will not happen.

6. Power: Allah has infinite power and might.

7. Kalam: With this title, Allah sent down books to his prophets and spoke to some prophets. We cannot know the nature of the pre-eternal attribute of kalam. This word did not consist of sounds and letters.

(Catechism-I, Presidency of Religious Affairs)