The Life of Hodja Ahmed Yesevi's Grave in the Divan-ı Wisdom (Assoc. Prof. Nail KARAGOZ)

Hoca Ahmed Yesevi is one of the most important Turkish mystics of the 12th century. Yesevî adopted the Hanafi-Mâturîdî understanding in the issues of kalam. He tried to teach this understanding to the Turks who had just converted to Islam, with the methods of the Sufi tradition.

The concept of "grave" has a special place in Yesevi wisdom. He often refers to the concept of "tomb", which is the first stop of the hereafter, open to human experience, and popularly known as the burial place. He gives great importance to questions of interrogation, punishment and reward in the grave. The purpose of this is to prepare people for comfort and blessings in the Hereafter before they die and while there is an opportunity. For this reason, he sometimes made remarkable descriptions of the life in the grave and used extreme expressions to portray the life of the grave in people's dreams. However, he managed to impress his interlocutors as he did not give up his sincerity. For this reason, it has had a significant impact on people's perception of religion, both in the region where it lived and in Anatolia since early times.