
A "Ramadan Panel" Was Held Within the Framework of the "Blessed Ramadan" Program for Women (Lecturer Mirgul Bekmurzaeva)

A "Ramadan Panel" was held at Satuk Buğra Han Mosque on 23.03.2023 within the framework of the "Blessed Ramadan" Program for Women. Members and swtudents of the Faculty of Theology made presentations of the following themes: PhD student Dilnoza Rahmatillaeva "Preparation for Ramadan," lecturer Mirgul Bekmurzaeva "The Benefits of Fasting," resaerch Assistant Cazgül Colaliyeva "Educational Aspects of Ramadan," Research Assistant Altınay Kurmanbekova "Ramadan and the Qur'an". The panel was followed with great interest and a total of 250 listeners attended it. At the end of the panel, questions from the audience were answered. Gifts were presented to those, who actively participated the panel answered the questions of the speakers.