
"Blessed Ramadan" Program for Women: Seminar on "Preparations for the Night of Kadr (The Night of Power)" (Altınay Kurmanbekova)

The "Blessed Ramadan" Program for Women continues at KTMU Satuk Buğra Han Mosque. Within the framework of the program, Altınay Kurmanbekova, a Research Assistant at the Faculty of Theology, held a seminar on "Preparations for the Night of Kadr (The Night of Power)" on 16.04.2023. The seminar was followed with great interest. At the end of the speech, gifts were presented to the participants who actively participated in the seminar and answered the speaker's questions. After the seminar, a recitation of the Qur'an with the method of "mukabala" (It is when someone recites the Qur'an aloud from memory or from a book, and the people listening to it silently follow it from the Qur'an) was made, and then the prayer of "Hatim" (Hatim is the recitation of the Qur'an from beginning to end) was read by the students of the Faculty of Theology.