
Conference: “The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and His Shamail” (Prof. Dr. Bekir Tatlı)

In the frame of KTMU Faculty of Theology Conferences Series, Prof. Dr. Bekir Tatlı made the conference “The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and His Shamail” on 12.04.2023.

Tatli touched the importance of the subject of "shamail", which expresses the appearance and personal charachteristics of the Prophet. The speaker emphasized that the human aspect of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was as important as his prophetic mission. The narrations describing the physical characteristics of the Prophet, were meticulously narrated and passed to the next generations by many Companions, such as Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman, Ali, Sa'd b. Abu Waqqas, Aisha, Ebû Hüreyre, Berâ b. Âzib, Abdullah b. Abbas, Ibn Omar, Anas b. Malik, Hind b.Abu Hale.  Tatli said that these narrations were reflected in the paintings called "hilye" of the famous calligraphers. Such paintings decorated walls of many places as a works of art and even Ottoman Turks treated "hilye" paintings as guests of honor and placed them in the corner of houses/palaces and showed great respect to them.

The conference, which was attended by faculty members, staff and many undergraduate and graduate students, ended with a questions and answers section and presentation of certificate of appreciation.