
Panel on Hanafi-Maturudi Interpretation of Islam

The panel was organized by Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Faculty of Theology at Kasım Tınıstanov Conference Hall on October 24, 2023. Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, academicians and students attended this panel.

Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ayik made the opening speech of the panel. Ayik explained the concepts of Hanafi-Māturīdī and stated that the Hanafi-Māturīdī belief coincides with the past, future and traditions of the entire Turkish World. Ayık announced to the participants that symposiums and seminars will be organized in the future to further promote the Hanafi-Māturīdī belief. Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan stated that the Faculty of Theology contributed to the success of the University and emphasized that more activities will be carried out together in the future. Ceylan stated that educational activities were carried out in the villages together with the faculty members of the Faculty of Theology and that he is proud of these activities. The panel has been chaired by Prof. Dr. Kemal Polat. Polat stated that the event was a social responsibility project, underlining that the Turkish nation made great contributions to Islam and that one of these contributions was the Hanafi-Māturīdi belief. The following academicians made presentations at the panel: Prof. Dr. Bekir Tatlı, "Hanafi-Māturīdī Understanding of Hadith", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nail Karagöz, “Aspects of Hanafi-Maturidi Thought Which Are Suitable to Development”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Aiitmamat Kariev, “Hanefi-Maturidi Understanding of Fiqh,” and Lecturer. Dr. Khaiitmirza Sotvoldiyev, "Hanafi-Māturīdī Understanding of Tafsir". The event ended with the participants of the panel being presented with their certificates and taking a photo.