
Panel on Halal and Healthy Food

On 15.11.2023, the panel on Halal and Healthy Food has been held in cooperation with KTMU Faculty of Theology and Faculty of Engineering. Food Engineering department head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anarseyit Deydiyev made a presentation on “Foods with Controversial Halality in Kyrgyzstan” and Assistant Professor of Food Engineering Department, Dr. Aychurok Macitova made a presentation on "Fermented Functional Halal Food Products." Faculty member of the Department of Islamic Sciences Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aiitmamat Kariev moderated the panel.

Panelists made evaluations about food additives and foods and beverages such as kymyz, bozo, and byjy, which are widely consumed in Kyrgyzstan. The panel continued with questions and answers from the audience.

At the end of the panel Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ayık presentated certificates of appreciation to the speakers.