
Hanafism in Khwarezm during the Transition from Mu'tazila to Maturidism

On 13.12.2023, the research assistanst of our faculty Ulanbek KALMURZA UULU presented an academic seminar titled "Hanafism in Khwarezm during the Transition from Mu'tazila to Maturidism" to graduate students and academic staff. Stating that this topic is also the subject of his doctoral thesis, he pointed out that Hanafism has a special flavor due to the location, the process of Islamization and geographical peculiarity of the Khwarezm basin. He pointed out that especially in that basin, the Mu'tazila faith school was predominant and that it switched to Maturudighism after the 700s Hijri, and that theology and law in this period operated differently.

Academic seminar ended with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation by  the Dean of the Faculty of Theology Prof. Dr. Hasan Ayık.