
Meeting With Gaduates-1

Meeting with graduates - 1

On March 15, 2024, students and graduates of the Faculty of Theology gathered at the event "Meeting With Gaduates". Faculty students and teaching staff participated in the event. To make the opening speech, our faculty Research Assıstant Cazgül COLALİEVA took the floor and said that such events allow us to come together as graduates, provide us with the opportunity to support each other and build new cooperations, and also give us the opportunity to meet many people who want to share their experiences in their careers after graduation.

At the event, our faculty graduates gave a presentation entitled "General Information About Hafyzlyk (Memorizatıon of the Holy Quran)" by Cibek KENCEBEK KIZI and "General Information on Education at Haseki in Turkey". The event allowed alumni and students to communicate with each other, strengthen their relatıonships and share their experiences in their post-graduation careers. At the event, the graduates expressed that they had the opportunity to meet successful professionals from different sectors, achieved significant success in their careers, and gave career advice to our new graduates and other students.

This event, attended by faculty members and students, was followed with interest. At the end of the event, the secretary of the faculty Rufiya HİSAMUTDİNOVA and Reasearch Assıstant Cazgül COLALİEVA presented gifts and certificates of appreciation to our graduates.