
Visit to Orphan Children's Home

On April 20, 2024, the orphan children's house in Belovodski was visited within the scope of the project called "Disadvantaged Children Group-1" within the framework of KTMU's Social Responsibility Program. KTMU Faculty of Theology lecturer and project manager Dr. Khaiitmirza SOTVOLDİEV, lecturer Abdulbasit KRAİJ and KTMU Faculty of Theology students attended the program. It was aimed to make our orphans or children in need know and feel that the compassionate hands of our society are on them so that they can face life more safely, their needs are met, and they maintain their self-confidence in maintaining their social lives. The needs of our orphan children were determined and gifts were brought to them (clothes, shoes, toys and food, etc.). The students of the Faculty of Theology had an enthusiastic and fun time with the orphan children.