
How to Write a Thesis? - 1

On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at the Faculty of Theology of KTMU, the Head of the Department of Islamic Studies, Associate Professor Dr. Nail KARAGOZ held a seminar on the topic of "How to Write a Thesis?-I"

During the seminar, explanations were given on issues such as: choosing a topic for a diploma thesis, limiting it, determining the methodology, creating a preliminary plan and a temporary list of sources, reading and taking notes, and then moving on to the writing stage of the work.

Particular attention was paid to the need for careful study of sources related to the topic, as well as clear and distinct expression of the information obtained. It was emphasized that when using sources in the form of references or footnotes, it is necessary to follow the requirements of the Guidelines for Writing Diploma Thesis developed by the university.

In addition, the general rules that must be taken into account when writing a diploma thesis were covered in detail. At the end of the seminar, Associate Professor Nail KARAGOZ answered the students' questions.