

Our Faculty of Theology in cooperation withTurkish Republic Bishkek Religious Services Counselor organized a Miraj Night Celebration for women. The program took place at our Faculty Satuk Buğra Han Implementation Mosque on February 27, 2022. The program was hosted by Dilnoza RAHMATİLLAEVA, PhD student of the Faculty of Theology. In the program the Quran was read, sings were sung and poems were read by the students. The preacher Ayşe YÜKSEK spoke about the night of Miraj, and the Qur'an Course Instructor Halime TATLI gave information about the rights and obligations of Muslims to each other. Faculty of Theology Lecturer Mirgül BEKMURZAEVA made a visual presentation and held a brainstorming among participants. Cazgul COLALİEVA. the Junior reseacher of the Faculty, contributed to the program by acting as a translator. The program ended with a prayer.