

Prof. Dr. Bekir TATLI, the member of the KTMU Theology Faculty was the guest in the series "KTMU Student Dormitory Conversations" program in the evening on March. 08 2022.  Tatlı made a presentation on the theme “Prophet Muhammad as a Human Being”.

The speech was followed with interest by students from many different faculties of our university. Tatlı started his conversation by celebrating female students the International Women's Day. Tatlı briefly talked about the religious beliefs that prevailed in the sixth century in Arabian geography, where the Prophet Muhammad (sas) was born and lived. Tatli drew the attention of the audience to the fact, that the Prophet is an example to humanity both as a prophet and as a human being. He emphasized that those, who want to get to know Muhammad better are very lucky, because there is an opportunity to reach extremely detailed information about His life and teachings in source works. Tatli gave examples of the birth, childhood and youth of Hz. Muhammad. He answered the questions asked by the students, and reminded that KTMU Faculty of Theology is always opened to the students after the program.  Tatlı said that the Faculty of Theology always serves them with its competent professors in all fields, such as the history of religions and sects, as well as Islamic sciences, that it is important to seek solutions to the problems encountered in religious matters. He ended his speech by saying, that individuals or groups who do not have expertise in the field, should not be complimented on their explanations on religious matters.