
Academic Seminar: Religious Education in Kyrgyzstan (Research Assistant Cazgül COLALIYEVA)

This week, the assistant of our faculty, Zhazgul Zholaliyeva, made her presentation on the topic “Religious Education in Kyrgyzstan” as part of a series of academic seminars of the spring semester 2021-2022 academic year of the Faculty of Theology of KTMU. The seminar, which took place on 06/07/2022 with the participation of our teachers, as well as undergraduates and doctoral students, was held in meeting room No. 210. At the seminar, Zhazgul Zholalieva spoke about the state of formal and informal religious education in Kyrgyzstan during the period of independence. At the presentation the legal foundations of religious education in Kyrgyzstan, the developments in formal and non-formal religious education and current problems in this area were explained. The seminar ended with a series of questions and answers.