
Digital Media Literacy and Religion Prof. Dr. İhsan ÇAPCIOĞLU - Prof. Dr. Ramazan ADIBELLİ)

This week's surprise guests of the "Friday Conversations at the Open Tribune" program organized by our faculty every Friday for our students were Ankara University Faculty of Theology Faculty Member, Religious Affairs High Council Member Prof. PhD İhsan ÇAPCIOĞLU and Erciyes University Faculty of Theology Faculty Member Prof. PhD Ramazan ADIBELLI.

Prof. PhD İhsan Çapcıoğlu, in his speech titled "Social Media Ethics," drew attention to the changing nature of social relations in the digitalizing world and touched upon the difference between new media contents and traditional media. Emphasizing the risks that social media channels, where visuality, demonstration and surveillance stand out, as well as the opportunities they offer especially for theology faculty students, Çapcıoğlu explained the necessity of digital religious media literacy with various examples.

Prof. PhD Ramazan Adıbelli briefly touched upon the following issues; “Religion puts a story before man. This story is the story of the existence of the universe, our world and the human being who is a part of them. This story is a sacred story because God wrote it. With modernity, a different story has emerged. This mentality, which claims that God is dead, has revealed a new story in which man is at the center and reason is accepted as the sole authority. In the post-modern period, consumerism, which is the current ideology of capitalism, has developed an understanding in which all kinds of authority are eliminated and only profit is aimed. The basic paradigm that determines human identity seems to be related to which of these stories he belongs to. While religion promises eternal happiness in the afterlife, consumerism suggests that happiness can be achieved in this world. The crucial question is: How much happiness can a world where sickness, old age, and death exist?"

The program, which continued with intense questions and answers, was very useful and the students expressed their satisfaction. At the end of the program, the dean of KTMU Faculty of Theology Prof. PhD Kemal POLAT and Head of Islamic Sciences Department Prof. PhD Bekir TATLI expressed their gratitude to guest lecturers for their presentations and presented certificates of appreciation.