
Imam Mâturîdî's "Teʾwîlâtü Ehli's-Sunna" (Res. Asst. Shohimardan Orunbekov)

The first academic seminar of the 2022-2023 Academic Year, Spring Semester was held on 07.02.2023. Res.

The first academic seminar of the 2022-2023 Education Spring Semester was held on 07.02.2023 with Res. Assist. 

The first academic seminar of the 2022-2023 Education Spring Semester was held on 07.02.2023 with Res. Assist. Shohimardan ORUNBEKOV made the presentation named "Imam Mâturîdî's "Teʾwîlâtü Ehli's-Sunna". Orunbekov gave information about Imam Maturidi's scientific world: his teachers, the political effects of the period, cities he visited, his students, and classical and contemporary sources about Imam Maturidi. Orunbekov spoke about the researchers working on Imam Maturidi in the world, and especially in Turkey and Central Asia.

Orunbekov also gave information about the content of Imam Maturidi's tafsir, language style, sources, hadiths he had used in his work, theological views, reflection and its influence on the commentators after him. Reminding his other work, Kitâbü't-Tawhîd, which is related to kalam/akait, he emphasized that Mâturîdî was also a scholar of kalam and that Maturidiism constituted an important branch of Ahli-Sunnah theology.

The seminar continued with the questions and answers of the participants. Some of the audience expressed that they gained new information about Imam Maturidi, while others stated that they refreshed their knowledge.