
27 September World Tourism Day celebrated at KTMU



In Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University (KTM) "on World Tourism Day" event was held.

KTMU School of Tourism and Hotel Management under the leadership of Kyrgyzstan hotel, restaurant and ‘catering 'managers gathered at the meeting, the general structure of tourism in Kyrgyzstan and the world tourism was discussed.

Rector of KTMU, Prof.Dr. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı pointed out the necessity of cooperation between the tourism sector and universities. Professor Dr. Sebahattin Balcı, Kyrgyzstan's deep-rooted history, culture and unique geography of Central Asia with the highest tourism potential in the country, he said. Professor Dr. Balcı, by evaluating this potential of Kyrgyzstan, our ancestral land, emphasized that we should open up all the values ​​to the world.

KTMU School Director Assoc. Dr. Barış Erdem gave a message of cooperation to the sector representatives in Kyrgyzstan. Underlining the importance of communication between the sector and its stakeholders in the development of tourism in Kyrgyzstan, Assoc. Dr. Erdem stated that they would try to make this continuous.

The meeting, where various aspects of tourism were handled, continued with mutual information sharing.

World Tourism Day is celebrated every year on 27 September. M, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1980 on the proposal of the Organization (WTO), to create and develop tourism awareness in the world; It is aimed to emphasize the environmental, economic, political and socio-cultural importance of tourism.