

Horeca (Hotel & Restaurant & Catering) which gathers and coordinates Kyrgyzstan hotels, restaurants and 'catering' businesses under one roof and shares the activities of the sector with the public, organized a ceremony at Damas Hotel on December 15, 2017, where the best hotels, restaurants, cafes and supply chains of 2017 in Kyrgyzstan were rewarded. At the special night, he chose the School of Tourism and Hotel Management as the 'best partner' providing educational consultancy to the tourism sector. KTMU School of Tourism and Hotel Management was the only tourism education institution awarded at the night.

The School of Tourism and Hotel Management, which won this award in 2015 and 2016, repeated its success three times in a row.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic Azamat Camankulov, owners and managers of hotels, restaurants and catering businesses in Kyrgyzstan attended the award ceremony.

At the ceremony, School Director Assoc. Prof. on behalf of KTMU. Dr. Barış Erdem, Lecturer  Nadira Turganbayeva, Gülmira Samatova, Sapargül Turdubekova,  Kimbat Asanova,  Naringul Margazieva and  İbrahim Gündoğdu took part.

High School Director Assoc. Dr. Regarding the award, Erdem told Media Manas Reporter, “As the School of Tourism and Hotel Management, we attach special importance to relations with sector stakeholders in the field in which we operate. Tourism industry; It is a whole that works with businesses, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and tourism volunteers. Therefore, there is a need for cooperation and effective dialogue between the parts that make up this whole in developing tourism. Our school has been providing training and consultancy support to relevant tourism stakeholders for many years. In this context, this award that our school has received for the third time in a row is very meaningful. On this occasion, I congratulate all my colleagues and students who contributed to the award and I hope that this award will carry our school to new horizons. I would also like to thank the Rectorate of our University for supporting us in all our activities.” He made a statement.