Academic Programs

Core courses are offered from the first year of study in the Bachelor’s program, and elective courses start in the third year. Elective courses include informatics, algorithms and databases, programming languages, structural programming, object-oriented programming, computer graphics, statistics and probability theory, database management systems, information and computer security, computer architecture, and more. Students must take 12 elective courses in order to graduate. In their fourth year, students work on their undergraduate theses and defend them in front of a panel.

Students that have successfully completed a Bachelor’s program can enter our Master’s program. The first year of the Master’s program includes four required courses and six electives. Students spend their last two years working on research, publishing articles and defending their thesis in front of a committee.

Doctorate degrees take four years to complete and consist of elective courses in the student’s specialty. The final three years are spent on exams in the student’s field and on research. After publishing work created in the PhD program, students defend their dissertations in front of a committee. When a student has successfully defended his or her work, then he or she will be granted a doctorate degree.


In order to complete the Bachelor’s degree, students have to complete 160 mandatory local (not ECTS) credit hours, of which no less than 39 hours can be electives. Master’s students complete 30 credit hours, of which 18 can be electives. The remainder of their time is spent writing and defending their research and theses. Doctorate students must complete 30 credit hours, pass exams in their specialty, and defend their dissertation. Bachelor’s students usually study for 4-7 years, Master’s students for 3 years, and doctorate students for 4 years. According to the ECTS system, Bachelor’s students complete 240 credits, while Master’s and doctorate students complete 120 credits.

There is a possibility for students of the Department of Computer Engineering to study one or two semesters at IWATE university (Japan) and the most prestigious universities of Turkey through the student exchange programs.

The students with the highest GPA are often awarded scholarships for summer internships in Turkey.

The most active students of the department have organized a Computer Science Club to help the other students to study in the fields of ICT, programming and computing. Every student of computer engineering department can become a member of the club and participate in projects and improve their professional skills.