Studying Modern Information Technology (Mobile, Cloud, Etc), Programming, and Electronic Means Available for Application in Educational Institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic

This project, run by Professor U. N. Brimkulov, studies modern information technology (including mobile and cloud resources), plus programming and electronic means available for application in educational institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Central Asia Research and Education Network

Professor U. N. Brimkulov runs this project, called the Central Asia Research and Education Network (CAREN), a collaboration with the European Commission. The main goal of this project is to support and modernize the existing networks in Central Asian countries, networks that were created as part of the “Virtual Silk Road” project. These networks are being moved from satellite to fiber-optic technology to connect internet users in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Creating Systems for Distance Learning in a Simplified Platform Through Audio-Video Compression

This project is under the control of R. K. Sultanov at KTMU. Currently, there are relatively few schools connected to the internet in Kyrgyzstan. If a school is connected, then usually the internet runs slowly. The speed of information exchange remains a problem. To solve this problem and send information more quickly, this project aims to compress audio-video files, so that educational videoconferences can be held in real time. This requires not only the correct software, but also affordable equipment.

Kyrgyz-Turkish Dictionary

Over 13 million Kyrgyz words need to be gathered in order to create a sensible Kyrgyz-Turkish dictionary. This project, run by B. D. Sharshembaev, has gathered words from many genres and created a Kyrgyz-Turkish dictionary of about 74 thousand words.