
Visit to Kyrgyz State Technical University

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, our department faculty members, Dr. Selçuk Gören and Aybek Adanbayev visited I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Innovation Center. The visit was held with the aim of strengthening academic and industrial cooperation and examining technology research projects.

This visit, which was held to get information about the studies and projects carried out at the center and to evaluate mutual cooperation opportunities, was beneficial for both institutions. During the visit, our faculty members visited various laboratories and research units of the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Innovation Center. In particular, detailed information was received about innovative industrial telecommunication solutions developed at the center and research on the Internet of Things.

The studies carried out at the center became a source of inspiration for the research and educational activities of our department. The visit was considered an important step to increase knowledge and technology sharing, develop new projects and support joint research studies. In the future, it is aimed to further strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions and contribute to the progress of our country in the field of technology and innovation through joint projects.