Students at the Department of Music study vocal and instrumental music, as well as traditional forms of music (such as storytelling and traditional vocal and instrumental music). Subjects include technique, developing ear and memory, and improving the tone of sound. Other subjects include solfeggio, music theory, piano, chorus, orchestra, the history of world and Turkic music, and other subjects. 

These courses are designed to develop students as musicians and to improve their training, sound, accuracy, breathing, diction, phrasing, musicality, and technique. 

For their thesis projects, students tackle any of the major theoretical issues in music. 

Vocal Studies:

  • Singing different genres of modern vocal music (jazz, rock n roll, pop) live and with live ensembles;
  • Preparing students to compete at national and international competitions, festivals, and reviews;
  • Educating teachers for children's music schools and for general schools. 

Traditional Music:

  • Performing traditional and original works;
  • Performing solo or in ensembles;
  • Playing traditional instruments correctly (correct hold, hand position, tuning);
  • Teaching traditional instruments in music and general schools;
  • Working as promoters of traditional instruments and music;
  • Preparing for continuing education and research. 

Areas where graduates can work:

  • As teachers at music and general schools;
  • As singers and musicians for musical theater and orchestras;
  • As soloists for traditional ensembles;
  • As soloists for other ensembles;
  • As interns at cultural research centers;
  • As musican editors, directors and producers for radio and television.