
Cooperation with Educational Institutions in Namangan Continues

On April 22-25, 2024, a delegation of teachers and students from Namangan State University and Namangan Pedagogical Institute of Uzbekistan visited the history department of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. The guests got acquainted with KTMU and the university museum.

On April 22, 2024, Associate Professor Yosinjon Ortikov and Associate Professor Shukhrat Khaidaraliev gave a lecture to students of the history department of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. On the same day, Professor Temur Ismoilov, Bobomurod Tokhtasinov, Associate Professor Nadirzhon Suyarov gave an interview to Manas FM radio.

On April 22, 2024, lecturer of Namangan State University, PhD Akmoljon Turokulov conducted a seminar on the topic “History and Past of Football in Friendly Relations.” At the seminar, PhD Akmoljon Turokulov shared interesting information about the history of football in Central Asia and the Turkic peoples.

On April 23, 2024, a joint seminar was organized on the topic: “Current Issues in the History of Central Asia”. Head of the history department, Professor Jeenbek Alymbayev read a report on the topic “Population, Ethnic Composition of the Fergana Valley (second half of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century).” In his report, Professor Jeenbek Alymbaev noted that the Uzbek and Kyrgyz peoples have lived in harmony in the Fergana Valley since ancient times. Next, Elchinbek Mamasoliev, a student of the history department of Namangan State University, shared his research on the topic “History and Modernity of Relations Between Uzbekistan and Turkey,” and Jahongir Makhsutaliev, a student of the archeology department of the same university, informed the audience about the archeology of the Fergana Valley.

On April 23, 2024, an intellectual game was organized between team of students from Namangan State University “Friendship” and team of the history department of KTMU “Unity”. During the competition, questions were asked on history, culture and art. At the end of the competition students from both universities achieved equal success, friendship and unity won.

On April 23-24, 2024, Associate Professor Nizamjon Gafurov and Bobomurod Tokhtasinov conducted a seminar “Uzbek-Kyrgyz History and Modernity.” Guests from Namangan also partcipated in the television program of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. In this program, Associate Professor Shukhrat Khaidaraliev and Associate Professor Nizamjon Gafurov from Namangan State University, together with Professor Kubatbek Tabaldiyev from Manas University, spoke about scientific and cultural cooperation, as well as future plans.