
Visit to Namangan State University

Graduate students and students of our university visited Namangan State University of Uzbekistan under the guidance of Professor K.Tabaldiev between June 3-13, 2024, within the academic cooperation protocol between Namangan State University and Manas University. On June 5, 2024, they visited the Bronze Age monument of Chust and got acquainted with the excavations. On June 6-7-8, 2024, they participated in archaeological excavations in the city of Akhsikent.

Students of Manas University had opportunity to get acquainted with the archaeological, ethnographic and historical museums of the Namangan region. They visited holy places in the Chortak and Norin areas. They also witnessed the annual flower festival organized in the city of Namangan. This festival has been held for 63 years in the city of Namangan every year for one month. The members of the delegation who went to Namangan State University from Manas University really enjoyed the trip and returned with pleasant emotions.