
Success of History Department Students

According to a joint initiative of the departments of two universities, Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University and K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University, the student club "Personal Development" organized a competition called "Intellectual Platform" with the aim of strengthening friendship and harmony between the universities in Bishkek.

The organizers of the contest asked the participants interesting questions in the field of social and humanitarian sciences. Aydamir Sultanbekov, Akmat Baktybek uulu, Aiperi Madimar kyzy, and Ayganysh Tadzhidinova, members of the historical club "Central Asia" of the Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas," took part in the event and won first place. We congratulate the successful students of the History department and wish them success in their studies!