

On the 15.11.22 there was an official letter from the Kyrgyz-Chinese faculty from Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balsagyn to organize an event  for their students together with the Department of Simultaneous Translation of Manas University.  So on 09.12.2022 on the basis of the Department of Simultaneous Translation of Manas University with the help of Assoc. Prof.Mambaeva S.K and Lecturer M.Kinaliyeva was organized  a special event- presentation for the students of the Kyrgyz-Chinese faculty from Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balsagyn.

20 students and 2 instructors from the Kyrgyz-Chinese Faculty came to the event. The event was held in the laboratory of the simultaneous translation department, where a special presentation on the latest simultaneous translation teaching methods was given by Assoc. Prof.Mambaeva S.K and Lecturer M.Kinaliyeva, which were told and demonstrated on based selected exercises for practical application.

The guests were very satisfied. Later we talked about organizing more activities