
The instructor Chynar Zhylkychieva together with 2nd year students visited the secondary school named after K. Zhumagulov in the village of Telman

Department of Turkology of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University in the spring semester of 2023-2024 in the frame of social responsibility activities organized the event of great significance titled “Kyrgyz Cultural Identity (based on the Manas epic)”; the instructor Chynar Zhylkychieva together with 2nd year students visited the secondary school named after K. Zhumagulov in the village of Telman situated in Panfilov district of the Chui region.


The aim of this event is to stimulate students to study by popularizing the Manas University, to call them to value the national heritage, to encourage a creative approach to education, to help young people to know themselves (organizing open lectures, exams, based on the epic "Manas"); the cooperation among the students of our university was carried out in accordance with the goal of strengthening a sense of solidarity; discussions were held with school teachers related to new teaching methods.